Therapeutic Arts

Art as a companion on your journey through life

Marie Grueberova

Therapeutic Arts Counsellor

Art has been woven throughout my life in various forms –a hobby, a field of study, a commercial job and finally a healing companion. It took me a long time to make friends with art. At first it was a skill I wanted to perfect, trying to bend art to my will (and failing frustratingly). Until I discovered therapeutic arts at Tobias where I learned to allow the images & forms to come out of me and through me. I began to trust the wisdom of the creative process to guide me and to release the emotional pain & struggle. Now I help others to find friendship with art and their own capacity to heal themselves.

“Art has always been woven through both my personal & working life”

Art teacher & commercial artist

I started as a primary school teacher in the Czech Republic with art as my specialist subject. I came to England and trained as a graphic designer, illustrator and marketing specialist, using art commercially, whilst running an independent business. Being in the corporate world, I developed a range of professional skills, met many inspirational people and suffered a burnout.

‘Alpha Safari’, Master project

Discovering therapeutic arts

I was in my final year of MA in Children’s book illustration, when I encountered a massive artist block. I didn’t like what I created, I didn’t know what I wanted to create and I just couldn’t connect to the meaning of art. Surely, there had to be more to it then meets the eye. So instead of pursuing commercial career, I enrolled on another course – Transpersonal Arts in Therapy at Tobias School of Art & Therapy. This was a gamechanger in my understanding of art. Through experiencial art exercises and guided by Rudolf Steiner’s knowledge of human wellbeing, we were lead to deeper understanding of ourselves and our health.

Therapeutic arts technique with clay

Needing the healing of arts

I have learned many therapeutic techniques since then, including journaling and art has been my loyal companion since. It was my best friend through some very difficult parts of my life and serious losses. It saved my life, I’m not sure if quite literally, but it certainly saved the sense of me. At times, the life events and emotions were so overwhelming that I was in danger of getting lost from my path, of doing something very dramatic that would harm me and my interests even further. Art held me through those dark times and even allowed me to create beauty out of those very painful experiences. (To find out more, you are welcome to visit the

The grieving mother book, a summary of healing a personal trauma with arts

Passing the gift of arts to others

I believe art has a power not only to access and heal our own pain, but also as ‘a ripple effect’ initiate healing in others. It becomes a universal language when no words can be found. It led me to work in a charity sector, as a therapeutic arts counsellor /lead artist /programme leader and a project manager. With a growing private practice, I now focus on delivering therapeutic arts sessions to groups and individuals, passing down the knowledge of how art can revive their own life. My ethos is not to create a dependancy, quite contrary, I wish to share an inate trust in artistic processes which then can be used by individuals in their own time to continue to heal their own life.

Mixed media painting with Beam

What’s your Story?

As individuals we co-write our own life story. Get in touch to discuss how therapeutic arts counselling can guide you on your journey. 
Call 075133 60935 to arrange a convenient date & time. Alternatively, send a text or fill in the contact form.  

Book your free 15-minute phone consultation

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