Transformational counselling & workshops

From chaos to inner peace

Feeling emotions is what makes us human.

Art helps to befriend our inner 

Personal counselling with arts

These one-to-one therapy sessions with art provide a safe space to express and explore difficult emotions or challenging life events. You may wish to talk, as one would do in counselling or you may wish to immerse yourself in the creative activity. Most likely to be a combination of both.

I don’t analyse you or the artwork, although we may talk about the themes that emerged. My role is to accompany you on your own creative journey of healing and self-discovery, helping you to communicate with your own image and find its inner wisdom. 

One-to-one session take place in the Therapy Room, Ipswich or you can book a Zoom session online. 

Personal Growth

Are you looking to overcome blocks, achieve both personal and professional potential and move ahead with projects? Art provides a space to find your inner resources, trust in your abilities, build strength and resilience.

The creative process offers a clearing where we can meet our true self including our fears and powers. Art sharpens our thinking (including creative problem solving), heals our wounded feelings and re-ignites our will power. It becomes a meaningful self-care practice, where we discover our unique path and accept our individual gifts which we can share with the world.

To discuss how art can assist your personal growth

“I feel so powerful and my heart is full of love but I can’t express who I am because of some unknown bars.”

Personal therapy client

Overwhelming emotions

Do you find yourself in a whirpool of powerful and highly irrational emotions whilst you are helplessly trying to keep a lid on an inner tornado.

Having gone through a personal trauma myself in earlier life, I can attest that denying overwhelming emotions such as anger, rage, pain, takes an incredible amount of energy and in the end impacts on our self-worth, self-realisation and relationships. Denial creates only further pain. Emotions are there for a reasons, they are our protective mechanisms telling us that ‘something’s wrong’. Art and therapy provide a safe outlet for exploring raw emotions and creates a powerful alternative to self-destructive habits. It gives us permission to experience them and thus transforms them into states of peace and serenity.

To discuss how art can help with your emotions

A close up detail of a mandala painting with oil colours displaying harmonious layers of rainbow colours overlapping and interacting

“Free your emotions. Speak your freedom. I didn’t know how to put it in words but it came in the picture.”​

Personal therapy client

Sadness & Grief​

Sadness and grief belong to the full spectrum of human emotions and are often accompanied by physical symptoms of lethargy and fatigue. When we lose someone or something we love, we are inevitably thrown into the grieving process.

Sometimes we don’t even know why we are sad or what we may be grieving. We may just feel empty and alone, without purpose. Art creates a safe environment, filled with compassion and a sense of wonder, where each person is able to encounter their pain in their own time and on their own terms. Art helps us to find warmth and a sense of meaning in life again. It transform grief from an unwanted enemy to a wise, creative companion.

To discuss how art can help you with your feelings

“Lighting the light in the darkness as hope for the future. ”​

Personal therapy client

Critical life events​

All wellbeing challenges are life related. In my own life and therapeutic work I have learned that life events have a major impact on our physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. What happens to us in life truly matters and sometimes life inflicts deep wounds which affect all aspects of our existence.

We may develop coping strategies of deflecting our pain due to various factors such as fear of vulnerability, fear of rejection or a lack of support. The coping strategies may work as a plaster which masks the wound, however until we are ready to face the source of our pain, the wound becomes reinfected. Art has the ability to access deep ‘injuries’ and heal them with its own creative wisdom whilst we stay in charge of our recovery.

To discuss how art can heal effects of critical events

Pastel drawing of a volcanic island with a lava erupting out from the cavernous mouth illustrating an eruption of a bottled up anger

“Art is a great encourager.”​

Personal therapy client

What’s your challenge?

As individuals we are going through an entirely unique life journey. Get in touch to discuss how counselling with arts can help in your situation. 
Call 075133 60935 to arrange a convenient date & time. Alternatively, send a text or fill in the contact form.  

Book your free 15-minute phone consultation

Pricing for personal sessions (adults)

Length of session

Professional Fee

60min session

£ 70

90min session

£ 100

3x 90min session

£ 285 (£ 95 each)

6x 90min session

£ 540 (£ 90 each)

*T&C All payments must be deposited to the bank account or paid by cash on the day of the appointment. I politely request 48 hour cancellation notice.
For children, teens & vulnerable young people, please refer to a children’s fee.

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